Previously, our record for a Branch Meeting stood at 72 attendees, when we had a “papers evening” at The University of Warwick, but last night we set a new record! At the peak we had 104 users in the zoom meeting, and one of those (at Coventry University) was our current Branch Chair, who had a room full of students!
The slides that the speaker (IBM Research Fellow Richard Hopkins) was going to release to us have been vetoed by IBM, they have asked that just the links to the material be provided, not the slides themselves.
The recording of the meeting has been “approved” and is currently being “cleaned up” for publishing to YouTube.
Please see the meeting page for information and links. Thanks.
Those who registered via eventbrite for the meeting will receive notification when the video is ready for viewing…hopefully in the not too distant future…hopefully there will be no quantum entaglement!