Automated and Connected Vehicles
On the 17th of May, we’ll have a presentation on Automated & Connected Vehicles from Stratis Kanarachos, Senior Lecturer from Coventry University. He’ll discuss the different levels of automation, the requirements and when automated vehicles are likely to be deployed. This meeting is free to attend, refreshments are available from…
The Political Landscape in the UK post-Brexit with Mr Geoffrey Robinson MP
Mr Geoffrey Robinson, Member of Parliament for Coventry North West will be the guest speaker on the subject of “The Political Landscape in the UK post-Brexit” at the BCS Coventry Branch open meeting on the evening of Thursday 20th April. Branch Chairman Dr Irene Glendinning encourages all people interested to…
Driverless Cars: Safe, Secure and Robust

The first meeting of BCS Coventry in 2017 focused on the challenges of ensuring driverless cars are safe, secure and robust. Gunwant Dhadyalla gave an engaging presentation on these challenges and the driverless car research at the University of Warwick, leading an ethical and practical debate with the audience. The…
Driverless cars – current research from WMG, University of Warwick
On Wednesday 18th January there is an opportunity to hear about driverless cars research taking place in WMG at the University of Warwick. It will discuss the potential benefits for all of us arising from the future introduction of driverless cars and also explain the challenges we face on this…
Searching to Speak – Coventry Christmas Lecture
We are delighted to welcome Professor Paul Curson at this years Coventry Christmas Lecture, supported by BCS, IET and the IMA. It takes place on the 7th of December at 7pm, at Coventry University. Refreshments from 6.30pm, buffet afterwards. Places are free, but booking is essential: Abstract: One of…
Data Driven Dance, 7pm 19th Oct 2016
At 7pm on the 19th of October, the BCS Coventry meeting features an unusual and highly creative project, linking dance with Computer Science. Genevieve Nunes-Smith, founder of ReadySaltedCode will share the work she has done linking classical dance with Computer Science. The project features wearable-tech ballet shoes and costumes, incorporates…
First branch meeting of 2016/17
The first branch meeting of 2016/17 starts with a presentation on Physical Computing Activities with Scratch by Warwick Technology Volunteers on the 28th of September, 6.30pm. The team have had a busy and successful year running Scratch and Arduino sessions in local sch0ols. They’ve also had the time to design…
BCS Coventry Prize Winning students at University of Warwick
Securing the Future Internet – and how advances in cryptography can help
Our IET colleagues would like to invite you to one of their learned meetings where they will explore how some recent advances in cryptography can help address some of the security challenges of the “Internet of Everything” In recent years there has been a substantial increase in the number and…
Confessions of a not so expert witness, Colin Pearson
On Tuesday 17th of May Colin Pearson will talk to the branch about the challenges of being an expert witness. It will be an unusual but light hearted reflection on 25 years as an Expert Witness covering both criminal cases (including fraud, murder and terrorism) as well as commercial cases…