How might the Digital World Change the Human Mind
On the 27th of October, Baroness Susan Greenfield visits Coventry to give a presentation on “How might the Digital World be Changing the Human Mind“. The talk has been organised by the IET Coventry and Warwickshire Network in conjunction with BCS Coventry. The event is free to attend, but booking…
Neighbours OnLine

On the 21st of October, Mark Pickering came and gave a presentation about the Neighbours OnLine scheme. Its a scheme setup by Mark after having taken early retirement from WMG, University of Warwick. It aims to tackle the digital exclusion of senior citizens by creating an environment where everyone can…
Next Meeting: Neighbours on Line Digital inclusion of our Senior Citizens
For the October meeting of BCS Coventry, on Wednesday 21 Oct 2015 at 18:30 we have Mark Pickering presenting his project Neighbours online: Digital Inclusion of our Senior Citizens. This meeting takes place in the IMC at the University of Warwick. Abstract: Mark Pickering recently took early retirement from WMG,…
Successful Teachers Conference 2015
BCS / CAS Regional Teachers Conference
On the 15th of September, the branch will be hosting the BCS / CAS Regional Teachers Conference. We’ve arranged an interesting mix of keynotes and workshops. Its suitable for Teachers of Computing, IT and Digital Literacy from primary to sixth form, IT technicians, careers teacher, school governors, plus anyone else…
Welcome to BCS Coventry’s new look website
Over the summer we’ve been updating the BCS Coventry Branch website. Its now up and running, we hope you like it.