Title: When will driverless cars be available to all?
Speaker: Professor Paul Jennings, WMG, University of Warwick
Date: 18th January 2017, 7pm, with refreshments from 6.30pm
Location: IMC Auditorium, WMG, University of Warwick
This talk will discuss the potential benefits for all of us arising from the future introduction of driverless cars. However it will also explain the challenges that we face on this journey, especially around ensuring that they will be safe, secure and robust.
Paul Jennings is a physicist who has been with WMG for over 25 years working on research with industrial and academic partners. He has built groups in Intelligent Vehicles, Energy Storage and Management, and Experiential Engineering through significant research and capital funding. He currently leads a team of 6 academics, over 25 researchers and engineers, and over 40 doctoral students. He has published over 100 academic papers and has been Principal Investigator on over 30 research grants, from sources including EPSRC, Innovate UK and the EU.
Research Interests: Connected and autonomous vehicles; energy storage and management for electric and hybrid vehicles; experiential engineering and product perception.