Presenter: Derrick Willer MBE
Topic: Sums: They’re Math Magic
Date: Wednesday 6th December 2023
Time: Refreshments (in EC1-27A and EC1-27B ) 18:30 for 19:00 lecture start; aiming to end around 20:30
Location: ECG-24 (Frank Whittle Building – Previously, Engineering & Computing Building) , Coventry University**
To Book: booking : to book, please follow this link (
**Frank Whittle Building – Previously, Engineering & Computing Building,
Coventry University, 3 Gulson Road, Coventry CV1 2JH
Nearest Car Park: Gosford St, Coventry CV1 5DT
(this link does not represent an endorsement of the provider, it is provided for convenience; there is another car park on the other side of Gulston Road, just under the ring-road)
Over the last few months the Coventry Branch meetings have featured some heavy mathematics (who knew AI was so maths intensive? – it looks so easy on paper!) This Christmas Lecture is aimed at school students and the young at heart, and features Fun Maths, rather than all the hard stuff we’ve had for the last couple of months. Interaction by our younger attendees is fully endorsed and welcomed, so please bring your youngsters along, especially if they are struggling with maths; they may get fresh insights.
Derrick’s presentation is based on his book “Sums. They’re Math Magic” and will involve pupils at each stage of his lecture. The pupils’ activities will be displayed for all to see as well as the slides.
In a fun way, some of the things that will be covered are:
How do aliens (with only three fingers on each hand) count?
Where did numbers come from?
Card tricks involving logic
Measuring square roots
Handy multiplication
What is the probability that two people have the same birthday?
Derrick Willer is a chartered engineer working mainly in the manufacturing sector, now retired.
He has supported schools, colleges, pupils and teachers for over forty years and was awarded an MBE for services to education in 2018.
He recently published a fun maths book which he provides to local schools free of charge.