Computing At School (CAS)

Computing At School (CAS)

Coventry and Warwickshire CAS Hub.  The local CAS hub is run by Irene Glendinning, Andy Dolinski and Margaret Low.  It meets once a term, and meetings are open to anyone with an interest in Computer Science education in schools.   Meeting information is posted on the CAS website:

The branch has strong links with local LEAs and was in at the start with CAS, and hopes that by working both through the LEA contacts and with CAS we will help to influence policy and practice in local schools. Branch was instrumental in enabling the formation of a local CAS hub in the Midlands, and we have been working closely with CAS and the BCS Academy.

The Computers At School (CAS) Working Group aims to promote the teaching of computer science at school. CAS was born out of the excitement with the discipline, combined with a serious concern that many students are being turned off computing by a combination of factors that have conspired to make the subject seem dull and pedestrian. Their goal is to put the excitement back into Computing at school.

CAS is a grass roots organisation, whose energy, creativity, and leadership comes from its members. They are a collaborative partner with the BCS through the BCS Academy of Computing, and has formal support from other industry partners. Membership is open to everyone, and is very broad, including teachers, parents, governors, exam boards, industry, professional societies, and universities. They speak for the discipline of computing at school level, inc. FE, and not for any particular interest group.

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