Coventry Branch 2020 AGM

Speakers: Coventry Branch Committee – AND YOU!
Topic: The Annual General Meeting for Coventry Branch – for 2020
Date: Wednesday 14th October 2020
Time: 18:00 start
Location: N/A – webinar: Please register here

Welcome all Coventry Branch Members – please register with Eventbrite at this link
To save time on the night, please read :
• the draft 2019 AGM minutes,
• the Chair’s report and
• the Treasurer’s report
in advance – thank you.


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes of the 2019 AGM – please read in advance
    3.1 Agree Minutes
    3.2 Matters Arising
  4. Agree Chairperson’s Report
  5. Present & Agree Branch accounts
  6. Election of Officials:
    • Chairman
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Committee
  7. Coventry City of Culture – to include ideas and contacts for future meetings
  8. Any other business

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