Date: Tuesday 14 Oct 2014
Time: 19:00 – AGM from 7:00pm, MakerSpace from 7:45
Speaker: The existing BCS Committee, then The Coventry MakerSpace committee
Location: Koco Community Centre, 15 Arches, Spon End, Coventry, CV1 3JQ
The AGM was held as anticipated; Irene was re-elected as Chairman, John as Secretary and Ursula as Treasurer. Thanks were extended to all who attended.
MakerSpaces are community owned spaces where you can find the things and the room to make your projects; providing a positive environment for us all to be greater than the individual parts. With the Makers taking do-it-yourself further than a trip to the local home improvement store, you’ll find a wide variety of creative minds.
Once established the MakerSpace offers space, facilities, equipment and support to help YOU acheive results with whatever you hope to make or do. Coventry MakerSpace started in May 2014 and has already achieved much, including finding a home (the Koco Community Centre) and attending two Imagineering shows! Plus there are regular (free) open meetings on Thursdays where anyone can come along and see what is on offer