Peter Mason CEng CITP FBCS MIMechE

Peter graduated from Cambridge University in 1985 and joined GEC as a Control Systems engineer working on simulation of systems ranging through gas turbines, lifts and railway locomotives.

Moving to Lucas in 1989 Peter worked on software for early versions of radar and video systems for cruise control, while also implementing some of the first email, internet and intranet services across the company.  Moving more into IT, and through several company reorganisations and name changes, Peter ended up as Engineering Manager for TRW’s global network, covering WAN and security for 250 locations in 27 countries.

In 2013 Peter became Security Operations Manager at SABMiller plc, responsible for operational IT security for the second biggest global beer brewer.  Following SABMiller’s takeover by ABInBev in 2016, Peter took redundancy as the opportunity for a career break and in 2017/2018 completed a MSc in Cyber Security and Management at Warwick University.

After 30 years in global organisations Peter is using his skills with smaller organisations and ‘giving something back’ through STEAM, apprenticeship and other educational activities while doing short term consultancy and contracting projects.

Peter has been a member of the BCS since 1998 and spent some time on the Coventry Branch committee and two years as Deputy Chairman representing the branch when the chairman was not available.


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